Adaptive Cases Aren’t a Rocket Science

Alexey Petrov, BMSTU
October 20, 2017, 17:05–18:55
In Russian only
Attendance is free for the conference participants
Complexity of today’s world, along with innovative development of “digital enterprises” makes modern businesses tailor their services to customer needs and replace traditional routine procedures with brand-new adaptive approaches that involve more experienced employees. What all these tasks have in common is an uncertainty about the cost, effort, sequence of particular actions required to complete each of them. So, these business activities may not be considered as regular processes with their deterministic order in place. Until recently, the only normative way of a formal description of these tasks has been related to ad hoc processes introduced in BPMN.
The situation has changed drastically as early as May 2014 when OMG issued a CMMN 1.0 specification (replaced with CMMN 1.1 in December 2016). Our workshop at CEE-SECR will help you to get a clue about CMMN 1.1, learn key principles of a collaborative process management in social contexts, try your hand at solving simple problems… and have much fun!