Keynote & invited speakers

Eric Reiss


Eric Reiss is an American business and Information architecture theorist, consultant and author, known for his work in the field of information architecture. In 2010, he was named in a blog as “One of the Top 10 European Content Strategists to Watch”.


Web Dogma

October 20, 12:55
Room I

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Master-class: Conducting UX research on a limited budget Workshop

October 22, 2017, 10:00–18:30

In English
Everyone who attends will need to bring a laptop (smartphones are not really suitable)
Workshop is not a part of the main conference program and requires separate registration

We all know the situation: Our client tells us they have a clear idea of what they want us to accomplish. The budget is tight, as is the deadline. There is little or nothing in the budget for research or a “discovery phase.” Yet unless we understand the “why” behind the project, we will rarely find the right “how” so our client gets the results they want. Moreover, when we learn what is really going on, the client’s definition of “what” may not actually solve the problems at hand. Yet if we do exactly what we have been told and the project fails, we will be blamed for its failure. This workshop will give you a dramatically improved chance for success.

The truth is, every project needs some degree of research – we need to verify that the “what” is accurate and will truly fulfill the “why” behind the project.

Without good-quality research, every project will fail. And that is a fact. Happily, there are ways to get the information you need even when the client doesn’t see this need.

In just a few hours, Eric will show you how to:

  • improve the efficiency of your desk research
  • conduct more effective user and stakeholder interviews
  • realistically interpret customer-satisfaction surveys
  • carry out simple ethnographic surveys
  • find secret resources within the client company
  • cheat your way to the resources you need

Throughout the workshop, Eric will also share some eye-opening “war stories” based on his many years of experience in marketing, service design, and UX. You won’t want to miss this.

Each of participants should also have a website or app in mind on which they are currently working as there will be a think-aloud test during the afternoon.

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