On one source of latency in NFSv4 client
October 21, 15:50
Room III
Due to VFS architecture limitation, Linux NFSv4 and 4.1 client cannot join RPC requests into compounds even in cases when it is allowed by protocol specification. This leads to the high sensitivity to the network latency and loss of performance on metadata-intensive operations, especially on workloads when many small files are opened. Similar issue exist in other Unix-like kernels. We produced an implementation of modified VFS and NFS client that shows measurable improvement of latency and general throughput on synthetic metadata-intensive tests, even with standard NFS servers.
The presentation would be interesting for system programmers and performance expersts in areas of application, cloud infrastructure and network storage performance.
Dmitry Irtegov

Docent, Head of laboratory, Novosibirsk State University
Education: physical department of Novosibirsk State University, 1992
Teaching course “Operating systems” and number of others in Novosibirsk State University
Participated in joint scientific and educational projects of NSU with Novosoft, Parallels, Odin, JetBrains
Pavel Belousov
Graduate student, Novosibirsk State University
Second year magistrant (graduate student) at mechanical-mathematical department of Novosibirsk State University
Alexander Fal
Graduate student, Novosibirsk State University
Second-year magistrant (graduate student) at department of information technologies of Nofosibirsk State University
Alexey Fedosenko
Student, Novosibirsk State University
Student at department of information technologies of Novosibirsk State University