For speakers: Getting Ready
Here you can find the results of the proposals’ review.
This section is for the authors whose proposals were accepted for inclusion into the conference Program.
Important dates and steps
By September 5, 2017
Confirm your participation via the submission system or by email:
After reading the reviewers’ recommendations please update your talk description via submission system.
By October 10, 2017
Upload the final version of your presentation, and paper, if any, to the submission system.
Register to the conference (the link will be sent by email).
Preparing your Talk
- Your presentation can be either in English or in Russian language;
- You can use the conference slides template (pptx) or add conference logo to your own template;
- The preferred slides formats are: .ррt, .ррtx, .odp, .pdf;
- 30 minutes is allocated for regular talks, and 15 minutes for Blitz presentations;
- Each room will be equipped with a video projector, a notebook with clicker and a microphone.

Preparing your Paper
The article should comply with ACM templates for papers (please use the sigconf template).
Travel arrangements
Conference organizers will not cover your travelling costs and hotel reservations.
The list of nearby hotels and information on getting your entry visa can be found here:
We highly recommend booking your accommodation as soon as you register for the conference.
Julia Kryuchkova, Conference Secretary
Tel. (Moscow): +7 499 703 16 55
Tel. (St.-Petersburg): +7 812 336 93 44