Metrics in testing

Anton Semenchenko, CoreHard; COMAQA; DPI.Solutions; EPAM Systems
October 22, 2017, 10:00–13:00
In Russian only
Attendance is free for the conference participants
Metrics in testing, including automation – is one of the most popular topics almost on every IT conference, elegant mechanism of feedback, a way of building communication with the customer and many more.
Classification, definitions, acceptance criteria, boundary values, correlation, ways of automation calculations and visualization, so called “fire alarms” – metrics in testing are not as trivial as it looks at first sight.
It’s hard to over evaluate the importance of the mechanism of feedback in our everyday’s work. Nevertheless, it’s important to receive actual and practical information, and not abstract and academic information about one of Key fields for QA.
About instructor
Anton Semenchenko
Co-founder, CoreHard
Founder, COMAQA
CSO, co-founder, DPI.Solutions
Manager, EPAM Systems
Founder Activist of QA Automation and low level Development C C++ communities, co-founder of DPI.Solutions, manager at EPAM Systems. More than 15 years of experience in IT. Specializes in low-level development, QA automation, management, trainings, and sales.