Key & invited speakers
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Ivar Jacobson
Founder and Chairman, Ivar Jacobson International
Dr. Ivar Jacobson is a father of software engineering with contributions such as component architecture, use cases, Unified Modelling Language and Rational Unified Process. Since 2005 he has been working on how to deal with methods and tools in a smart, superlight and agile way, resulting in the Essence standard kernel and language. He is the principal author of seven influential …

Andrey Terekhov
CEO, Lanit-Tercom
Head of Software Engineering Department, SPbSU
1971 – graduated from the Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Leningrad State University. Received a diploma with honour in the field of Computer Science.
1978 – Ph.D. from Leningrad State University. Thesis: “Synthesis of efficient programs”.
1991 – Professorship, habilitation thesis: “Software technology for real-time embedded systems”. In the same year 1991 founded and b…

Eric Reiss
Eric Reiss is an American business and Information architecture theorist, consultant and author, known for his work in the field of information architecture. In 2010, he was named in a blog as “One of the Top 10 European Content Strategists to Watch”.

Askhat Urazbaev
CEO, ScrumTrek
Co-owner, GameTrek

Anatoly Shkred