BigData – “oil” of digital transformation era
October 20, 18:25
Room I
The world has changed and will never be the same. Data now is no longer just a set of quantitative elements, but an all-sufficient resource, that can provide unparallel competitive advantage. The purpose of this report is to present current best practices and real cases in predictive analytics that utilize the use of BigData, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning models that are already creating value for businesses. The report also takes a look beyond the scope of today’s challenges and predicts the development of Data Economics, as well as the tasks that IT-companies and software developers face in the near future.
Anna Plemyashova

Director, Strategy & Business Development, BELTEL
Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University “Voenmeh”. More than 17 years’ experience in finance and operations, corporate analysis, served as key leader in business processes digitization and ERP systems implementation. Currently developing BigData analytics and IoT practices of the company. Member of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) USA with professional qualification CMA (Certified Management Accountant).