Practical usage of Design Thinking for complex digital software products and solutions
October 21, 12:50
Room III
In this article, I will provide you information how we, in IBM iX practice, use Design Thinking .
I’ll tell you about basic principles about our own methodology IBM Design Thinking (, and describe how we apply them in our product and software development process.
Presentation will focused on one of the most interesting aspect in Design Thinking approach – prototyping.
Prototype is key element and bridge between two major steps in every software project which use software lifecycle – Observation stage and Implementation stage. Why prototype is so important? Prototype, and especially functional prototypes, gives you ability not only to test alignment of user needs and system features, but also provide ability to test technical / implementation aspects of implementation.
In my presentation ill try to provide you information about:
- Why you should prototyping and why within Design Thinking you need to treat everything you do as “functional prototype”, especially when you start work on new digital services or your looking for options of modernisation of your digital services.
- How prototypes helps you to make smooth transition from prototyping to productional development
- If you start treat everything as prototyping, then how to make this prototyping process repeatable and scalable for several projects.
- How to establish clear collaboration between Business/System Analyst, UX / UI designers and developers in whole product lifecycle. Why all this people need to be engaged.
- Which tools to use and how
Will be interested for people from business and software development.
Oleg Garipov