Digital Transformation
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Digital transformation is the change associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society. The lines between the digital and physical world continue to blur creating new opportunities for digital businesses.
Digital technology platforms are the building blocks for a digital business and are necessary to break into digital. Every organization will have some mix of five digital technology platforms: Information systems, customer experience, analytics and intelligence, the Internet of Things and business ecosystems. In particular new platforms and services for IoT, AI and conversational systems will be a key focus through 2020. Companies should identify how industry platforms will evolve and plan ways to evolve their platforms to meet the challenges of digital business.
Topic Supervisor

Jennifer Trelewicz
Director of Risk and Market Data, Deutsche Bank TechCentre
Jennifer Trelewicz is the Director of Risk and Market Data in Deutsche Bank TechCentre, LtD. Previously she held the roles of Head of the Expert Councils in the Skolkovo Foundation, Deputy CTO of social products in Mail.Ru, CTO of Google-Russia, and Director of the IBM Systems and Technology Laboratory in Moscow. Jennifer actively participates in professional activities, holding the post of President of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society. She received her Doctor’s degree in Signal Processing from Arizona State University, as well as a Master’s degree in Mathematical Analysis. Jennifer has a number of publications in international refereed journals and conference proceedings, as well as 28 granted patents.